風景写真家 縄手英樹は、日本風景写真家協会に所属するプロの写真家です。
日本全国を渡り歩き、年々変わりゆく自然風景と対峙していると、 美しい風景がいつまでも続くよう願わずにはいられません。
海外と比べると四季がはっきりしていてメリハリのある日本の風景美を、 いつまでも撮り続けていきたいと思っています。
Landscape photographer Hideki Nawate is a professional photographer belonging to association of Japanese scenery photographer. Shooting in the Big Bertha was the center, but changes it to the shooting with the digital camera now before. When I change the all over Japan and confront natural landscape to go to the change year by year, I cannot help praying so that beautiful scenery continues forever. The four seasons become clear in comparison with foreign countries and want to continue taking the well-controlled landscape beauty of Japan forever. As I put a part of the photograph which I take it and saved so far on the gallery, please see it to the full.
日本全国を渡り歩き、年々変わりゆく自然風景と対峙していると、 美しい風景がいつまでも続くよう願わずにはいられません。
海外と比べると四季がはっきりしていてメリハリのある日本の風景美を、 いつまでも撮り続けていきたいと思っています。
Landscape photographer Hideki Nawate is a professional photographer belonging to association of Japanese scenery photographer. Shooting in the Big Bertha was the center, but changes it to the shooting with the digital camera now before. When I change the all over Japan and confront natural landscape to go to the change year by year, I cannot help praying so that beautiful scenery continues forever. The four seasons become clear in comparison with foreign countries and want to continue taking the well-controlled landscape beauty of Japan forever. As I put a part of the photograph which I take it and saved so far on the gallery, please see it to the full.